Saturday, October 4, 2008

2008 Midwestern Region College Brothers Retreat (Part I)

The weekend of October 2, 2008, the 2008 Midwestern Region College Brothers Retreat was held at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL and hosted by Alpha Mu chapter. The Asst. Midwestern Regional Vice President, Bro. Mark S. Crain, lead over 40 college brothers in attendance.

The weekend started with a reception at Dave and Busters in downtown Chicago. then a series of workshops and fellowship moments occured on Saturday.

(first picture) Bro. Crain (center) leads the attendees of the College Brother Retreat.

(second picture) A special brotherhood moment during the retreat.

(third picture) Brothers are listening attentively to the presenter.

(fourth and fifth pictures) Brothers are taking a break for lunch and catching up.