Sunday, August 24, 2008

Wisconsin Host 2nd Annual District Retreat

(first picture) Bro. E. Mike Montgomery (l) and Bro. Al Smith, (r), with Bro. Mark S. Tillman, Midwestern Regional Vice President (center) and the brothers of Wisconsin.

(second picture) Bro. Montgomery leading a workshop discussion.

(third picture) Brohters taking a lunch break.

(fourth picture) Bro. Onyemaechi K. Okocha and Bro. Ken Harris, Sector Director of Community Outreah for the Midwestern Region.

Friday 8/22/08
The campground of Lutherdale Bible Camp was the site for the second annual Alpha Phi Alpha District of Wisconsin Brotherhood Retreat. The brothers of the distinguished district, both college and alumni, gathered together for a weekend of bonding Friday August 23, 2008 in Elkhorn, WI.

As dusk fell in the open skies of the Wisconsin country side, several brothers from the active district chapters assembled themselves for a night of productive sessions, personal dialogue, and amusing icebreakers. Assistant District Director Brother Mike Montgomery, University of Wisconsin-Madison, led the evening with facilitation between sessions and breaks.
To kick off the festivities, the brothers took part in an icebreaker for the ages. Split into four groups, each cluster was assigned the task of constructing a district banner. What was to be included on the banner was the preference of the group, however, the banner had to be a collective illustration of what each group thought were the best qualities of the district.
After a brief intermission the retreat was called back to order and the brothers headed into the next session. This time split into two groups, each set formed a human knot. Unable to break hands, the object of the activity was to untangle the knot, ultimately leading back to a circle. The group that completed the task first won the challenge. After 45 minutes of trial and error, District Director Albert Smith stopped the activity and pronounced group number two the winners on the basis that they had untangled the most brothers.

The final session was entitled “Seven Minutes in the Golden Circle.” As the night came to a close the brothers of Wisconsin shared some intense and personal life stories with each other. Each person got the chance to share three moments that had a significant impact on his life and/or the lives of others. “I wanted to get to know brothers beyond the letters” said Mike Montgomery, Assistant District Director-Wisconsin. “I thought it was a great way for all of us to get to know each other on a more personal level.” The rest of the night was open for social activities and much needed rest.

Saturday 8/23/08
As the sun rose and the birds took their chirping post, Lutherdale Bible Camp came alive as students from various summer camps, such as marching band and cross country, began their morning with breakfast and musical routines. The brothers of Wisconsin however…were still asleep. Brother Kevin Newell, Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority, ZI SP 05, took it upon himself to wake up the entire district for breakfast. In a Spike Lee/School Daze moment, Brother Newell made it clear that we should all be up early for breakfast and not waste the district’s time. “I felt like breakfast was the most important bonding time and I wanted brothers to get the experience” said Newell. “I’ve had some life changing conversations over breakfast and I didn’t want to see this one go to waste.”

After breakfast, the brothers took part in two morning sessions in which everyone in the district was heavily involved. Activities included outdoor searches where brothers learned the importance of team work, political discussions, and a session on proper implementation of the Fraternity’s National Programs. After lunch the brothers heard from District Director Albert Smith who addressed each chapter on the importance of the retreat. “I wanted the brothers to understand the reason we put this retreat together” said Smith. “I think it’s important for brothers to get together for issues other than business and just spend some time with one another.”

As the 2008 retreat came to a close one thing was clear, the District of Wisconsin was one knot tighter in the rope of brotherhood. Through sessions, political debates, and good ole fashion conversation, the brothers of the Distinguished District of Wisconsin had the privilege of not only calling each other brothers but friends.
